
5 Things I Always Do to Lose Weight

By: Corrine

To explore culture through cuisine with gourmet dining is delightful. I always consume more food than usual while travelling. There is no denying that my cloths were uncomfortable tight when I return home.

 Though I regret nothing, but I wanted to get back to my normal weight because I am more comfortable there. These are the 5 habits I always do when I want my cloths to fit again :

Cook at Home
I make sure I eat all meals at home. When I cook most of my meals at home, I can choose to consume fewer carbohydrates, less sugar and less unhealthy fat. Mushroom, eggs and broccoli are my favorite all time quick meal. It is really filling and rich in nutrition.

Walk Up A Stairs
Although I may be tempted to hop on an elevator, I make effort to take the stairs. With each step I take on the stairs, the muscles of legs using up energy and burn fat. According to Harvard Health Publications, the average 70kg person can burn an estimated 223 calories per 30 minutes of walking up and down stairs.

Cut Back On Sugar & flour
These are the foods that stimulate secretion of insulin the most and insulin is the fat storage hormone in the body. I generally reduce flour and sugar intake where possible and definitely find weight loss easier without them.

Full Up With Fiber
The plant-base high fiber diet help satisfy my hunger. I stick to healthy basics such as vegetables, legumes, beans, seeds and nuts. Plant-base diet fill me up without adding extra calories and provides good nutrition and powerful jolt of energy. Vegetable are high-water-content foods and it’s fill me up so quickly and help satisfy my hunger.

Drink Green Tea
Green tea is more effective than other teas at promoting weight loss because of it’s high levels of catching, According to the study in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. I drink 2-3 cups of green tea daily when I want to lose weight fast.

References :

  • Harvard health publications
  • American journal of clinical nutrition.

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