Charis Seah

Real Estate Agent

… about 6 weeks, my husband, my sons and I had dropped an average of 4kg each! my helper, who was struggled with chronic leg pains for the past 2 years (which doctors could not seem to help), reported that her pain is completely gone! 

I first met Richard and Corrine of Radiant Living by chance. My interest was piqued when they shared stunning outcomes of how they had helped people with chronic conditions (such as diabetes and weight issues) regain their health and reduce their dependency on medication.

When I decided to engage their services, it was primarily to help my husband who has a fatty liver condition, but at the same time I thought my family could also do with a better diet. My sons are of ages 6 to 16. Junk and processed foods have become part of their mainstream diet. My helper is a great cook, but she tends to cook the same things day in day out.

So my husband and I eventually engaged Richard and Corrine to tailor a program for our whole family.

Richard and Corrine took time to understand our concerns, and drew up a very comprehensive program for us. Getting the whole family on board the program, sitting through classes and discussions, doing hands-on cooking, going out for field trips, definitely has its challenges, but we stuck it out. It was worth it. The sessions were interactive and engaging. We opened our eyes to new knowledge, got rid of old habits, and looked at foods in a different light because we finally understand what they can do to us. Corrine and Richard were very sincere and generous in their sharing; it was very obvious they were passionate about their cause and in helping others.

Halfway through the program we were already experiencing positive changes and feeling much more energetic in general, which convinced my husband and I that we were on the right track.

By the end of the program, which took about 6 weeks to complete, my husband, my helper and I had dropped an average of 3kg to 4kg each! And we have never felt better. One of my sons, who was slightly overweight, also lost 2kg and is now looking much healthier. Best of all, my helper, who was plump and had struggled with chronic leg pains for the past 2 years (which doctors could not seem to help), reported that her pain is completely gone! The results took us all by surprise.

It has been more than 2 months since we started the program, and the benefits are still rolling in. My husband used to feel gassy and bloated, and he would snore badly at night, but recently we both noticed these symptoms have diminished a lot. While we won’t know the results of his fatty liver condition yet, we will never go back to the old ways. Embarking on this journey with Richard and Corrine was one of the best decisions we made in 2018.

Big thank you to you both, and may you continue to bless others!

Charis and Kai Hoo


















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