Johnson Chua
Music Teacher

You will be surprised to know how much I have saved from my medical bill”

On top of being overweight, I was diagnosed with having type 2 diabetes, high cholesterol, and fatty liver diseases. In fact, due to unhealthy diet and lifestyle, my whole family is stricken with diseases, many of which, I later realised, are reversible. Frustration started to build up after years of popping pills. Endless doctor’s consultation did not seem to encourage either as I was continually advised that diabetes is a long-term illness that cannot be cured. Therefore, the only way out was to take prescribed drugs for as long as I still breathe, a reminder I used to heed. It was a psychological ‘yo-yo’ as dosage fluctuated according to my conditions. I only knew that it’s just a matter of time that my body will eventually be resistant to drug’s efficacy.

Fortunately, I met Corrine. Through education, I learnt that food is medicine and my health can be restored with balanced nutrition and diet. I am so grateful of this discovery and Corrine’s persistence in helping me reverse my chronic conditions. She designed a specific diet program to help me control my blood sugar and reduce my cholesterol level as well as lowering body weight. It was not easy to tweak my diet completely, but I knew I had nothing to lose. Guess what? With strong determination, nothing is impossible. I was out of my cholesterol medicine in 2 months. Not only was my recent health screening report showing much improved range of blood sugar, but signs of diabetic were totally absent. For the first time, I felt great as I have lost so many kilos. You will be surprised to know how much I have saved from my medical bill.

My recovery evidence confirmed that certain illness can be reversed naturally without having to take medicines. If I can do it, so can you. I am just so happy!


















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