Mr Lau

My rotting palm from Eczema was completely healed and in 8 weeks, my entire body was free of itch and sores

I am 60 years old and have been suffering from a persistent bout of eczema for many years. Condition like this really bother me whenever I am outdoors, especially when I perspire. My nightmare began 8 months ago when my skin suddenly broke out into sores and open wounds. It became very serious and my entire body was extremely itchy. On several occasions, I would wake up to a bloody bed because I would scratch my itchy body until it bleeds when I am still semi-conscious.

I went to several doctors who prescribed creams for my itch but it didn’t help. Finally, I visited the National Skin Centre. Just like any other doctor, they prescribed even more tubs of creams for my body. Instead of getting better, the eczema had spread to the palm of my hand and it was too painful for me to perform even a simple task of picking things up.

I was desperate as I was losing a lot of sleep and was feeling depressed and helpless.

Then, I remembered my daughter had consulted a nutritionist for her health condition a year ago. After trying all medical remedies without success, I thought maybe my daughter’s nutritionist may have a solution for me.

30 November 2017 was a blessed day when Corrine visited me. On that day, she assured me that my condition can be healed naturally and quickly. That is music to my ears, something that the doctors did not say, especially when it is a condition that has been haunting me for years. Without delay, Corrine concocted a simple solution for me from my very own kitchen and applied on my wounds. I must say that it wasn’t very comfortable at first, but for the first time in 9 months, I could sleep like a baby!

Before Corrine left my home, she taught my daughter how to make the simple solution and guided us on how to prepare and eat right for my condition.

I followed Corrine’s guidance and in a short 3 weeks, my rotting palm was completely healed and in 8 weeks, my entire body was free of itch and sores. And all of this healing was made possible by using only natural ingredients and foods; the opposite of what I received from medical doctors.

I am grateful to Corrine for guiding me and restoring my body naturally and I am especially happy now that I have recovered from a long-term condition and gained back my confidence.


















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