Nadya Jessica

Business Owner

My clothes sizes went down from XXXL to now S-M. Most happiest thing is my waistline had reduced by more than 10 cm!!!!”

My name is Nadya. I am one of the candidates that benefited from Radiant Living’s custom fit healthy program that I want to share about.

Here is some background about myself. I have been overweight for 30 years. I have tried many different methods of weight loss programs. You name it! Slimming pills, supplements, exercises, and all kinds of dieting. I have even spent thousands of dollars in slimming centres. All failed! I gave up. My weight then ballooned to a peak of 84kg!

One day, I panicked because I couldn’t fit in any clothes. I had to resort to ordering online from overseas with limited choices. By chance in 2015, I started to pick up cycling to lose weight. I cycled about 3-4 times a week, about 80-100km each time! Then I cut down my food portions. For the whole year I only managed to lose about 6kg! Then I continued my routine cycling for months but only found my weight fluctuating within 1-2kg band for another year.

When I met Richard and Corrine in Jan 2017, my weight settled at 77kg. They persuaded me many times to try their custom fit get healthy program. Of course I was very reluctant initially because I knew that there is no easy way out since I have tried them all. I didn’t believe that I can lose weight naturally any quicker than a surgery could do. I have already given up but they didn’t. I finally agreed to give a final chance to try Radiant Living programme. Wow. I never regretted that decision.

In just a few months of sticking to Radiant Living plan, I managed to lose 8kg in 3 months; my biggest accomplishment ever. Knowledge of proper healthy eating in combination with lifestyle and exercise helped me a lot. I continued to lose more weight.

The most satisfying result is that I don’t feel that hungry anymore. Imagine you can limit your intake naturally because you eat the right stuff and can still lose weight. I can enjoy my cake and ice cream and in the process, I have lost a total of 13kg. My clothes sizes went down from XXXL to S-M. Most happiest thing is that my waistline reduced by more than 10 cm!!!!

Of course, I am very pleased and ecstatic with this result! My BMI went down to 23 from 29! My jeans size reduced to 28 from 35! After measuring up that well, I know I should maintain it for a long time. I am not far off from my ideal weight now. I just have 3kg more to go and to get to BMI of 22. And I know I can do it.

I want to thank both my coaches for introducing me this program. Thank You Richard and Corrine for giving me a Radiant Living lifestyle!


















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