Caleb Richard Lai
Business Owner

Friends and relatives saw me and were amazed at my transformation and were encouraged to follow my new lifestyle”

“Losing weight” has been my New Year resolution every year for the last 30 years until I met Corrine in June 2016. I was a hefty 96kg diabetic male for 10 years, with my highest weight at 120kg about 15 years ago. I was given medicine for my diabetes by my neighborhood doctor without much explanation about what diabetes can do to me. My glucose reading was at 14mmol/L. Diabetes did not bother me at all, since I believed the doctor who said that the medicine will manage my glucose level in my body. I have always prided myself as a foodie and I will always finish the food that others cannot consume anymore.

Then it hit me hard one day when my eldest brother had one of his leg amputated because of diabetes 5 years ago, and again, he lost the other leg 2 years later. He finally lost his fight against diabetes when he passed away in February this year. It was a wakeup call for me as I was afraid of losing my limbs in my predictable future! I had the symptoms of diabetes 3 years ago when my feet started to itch and my skin dried up easily. I was perpetually thirsty and couldn’t feel my fingers as they numbed frequently. I began to take diabetes seriously and I visited the polyclinic for 2 years, but my glucose reading was still bouncing between 7-9mmol/L with medication. To make matters worse, I also had high cholesterol. I searched frantically for answers. But my ignorance about the medicine I was taking, plus my inadequate knowledge of the type of food I should consume took me nowhere. My glucose reading was still undesirable and it continued to frustrate me.

June 2016 was a turning point when I met Corrine while on a Malaysia mission trip. In our chat over lunch, she mentioned she is a nutritionist and has helped many people get out of their dietary problems. I was curious, yet doubtful, especially when she said she does not prescribe pills or have products to sell. Since I have tried everything else and failed, I thought why not give her a chance to help me. Who knows, this might be the last one that just works.

So, this is my results. On 14 July 2016, my reading was consistently at 7.1mmol/L with Cholesterol LDL 3.49 MMOL/L and I was a big guy at 98kg.

In September 2016, my daily glucose reading was 4.7-5.6mmol/L WITHOUT MEDICATION and for the first time in 30 years, I weighted only 81kg. And I do not suffer from any of the diabetes symptoms anymore! I’ve lost 15kg in just 3 months. Now, I can fit into my favorite ZARA Slim Fit shirt and my self-confidence came back! In November 2016, my Cholesterol LDL was 2.64 MMOL/L, back to normal range. Friends and relatives saw me and were amazed at my transformation and were encouraged to follow my new lifestyle. I am grateful to Corrine for answering my 30 years search for a New Healthy Life!


















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