Senior Tax Manager

.. within 2 months, I was down by 8 kg. After 5 months I witnessed about 65% improvement .. for psoriasis 

My name is Saro. I consulted Radiant Living for the following issues:

– overweight
– psoriasis
– constipation

I was slightly overweight for my height; that is, at 60 kg before my journey with Radiant Living. I also suffer from psoriasis and constipation for more than 30 years.

First, my weight issue. I tried to watch my diet by eating very little and yet I saw my weight progressively increasing with age. I had no time for exercise and did very little of it, such as yoga and walking. I managed to join a gym briefly but long work hours made it impossible to sustain. Though I was eating minimal, the weight was rising.

Second issue: psoriasis, which I have carried since my 20s. It started with one spot on my forehead. Then spread massively below my knees at 30 after my husband passed. From there onward, it was a constant battle. I have tried so many therapies. All will work but it’s just temporary. Then I visited skin specialist who prescribed skin thinning applications and methotrexate tablet. These have many side effects, one of which is long term negative effect on liver. Even these did not work. With desperation, I tried UVB light treatment, ayurvedic treatment, advance finger therapy massage and many others.

Lastly, constipation, which has been a issue for me for the longest time. I take herbal tablet from ayurvedic doctor or tea with senna to ensure regular clearing.

When I was first introduced to Corrine, it was for my psoriasis. She offered programme for both weight loss and psoriasis. She further explained that constipation is linked to my psoriasis as it is a gut issue. After digging deeper into various research, I immediately signed up with Radiant Living.

Within a short span of 6 weeks, I lost 5 kg. In 2 months, I shedded 8 kg. What is so wonderful about Corrine’s programme is that she equips you with the knowledge so that you need not worry if you go on a holiday and indulge a little. I know how to get the weight down again. That is so fantastic!

As for my psoriasis, I saw 50% improvement within one and a half months. Apart from diet, I also need to manage my stress, one of the main culprits. After 5 months, I witnessed about 65% improvement. My journey to complete healing is still in progress. I am confident I will get to 100% with Corrine’s guidance.

Now, the good news! Constipation issue was totally taken care of. Thank You so much, Corrine and Richard.


















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