
Cinnamon for Weight Loss & Diabetes

By: Corrine

Cinnamon is full with dietary fiber and nutrients. It’s rich in manganese, Vitamin K, iron and calcium. It also prevent the growth and spread of cancer cells.

Cinnamon may lower blood sugar levels and bad cholesterol level (LDL). It also improves cholesterol ratios, assists revert insulin resistance. Hence, it’s beneficial for both heart and type 2 diabetes patients.

According to the article published in the Journal of diabetes Science and technology in May 2010, Cinnamon helps limit increases in blood sugar and slow down the emptying of the stomach. Cinnamon delays the passing of food from the stomach into the intestine. Hence, you feel satisfied for a longer time and eat less.

High blood sugar levels may raise fat storage rate in the body. Cinnamon helps prevent this increased storage of fat and enables you to lose weight.

Cinnamon also helps the body to process carbohydrates more efficiently. Studies show that cinnamon can effect abdominal fat more than fat from other parts of the body. This also may help you to lose a few pounds.

References :

  • Journal of diabetes science and technology. May 2010

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